Natural Hair Inspiration: Afro Stencil Art

"Love that Afro Girl" stencil on cardboard by Asboluv (photo courtesy of Flickr- Asboluv- under CC by 2.0 )

Have you ever been walking down the street and seen the flyest piece of Afro stencil artwork? If so, you are not alone! Today, I'm featuring the artwork of a few artists and photographers who've shared similar experiences. They've either created, captured, or done both. Enjoy!

LLL -choc on pink [vinyl solution] by Asboluv/ ..ROJO TERRACOTA on FRAMBUESA (raspberry) stencil art (photo courtesy of Flickr-Asboluv- under CC By 2.0)

  If Billie Holiday had an Afro....  stencil art (photo courtesy of Flickr-Daniel Lobo under CC by 2.0)


"Tortured Soul" stencil art on cardboard by Asboluv (photo courtesy of Flickr-Asboluv- under CC By 2.0)

Black man with beard and fade stencil art on building (photo courtesy of Flickr- Brian Hillegas- under CC by 2.0)

"Phat Tin of Luv" stencil on cardboard by Asboluv (photo courtesy of Flickr- Asboluv- under CC by 2.0)

"Blues and Soul" stencil on cardboard by Asboluv (photo courtesy of Flickr- Asboluv- under CC by 2.0)

Angela Davis stencil art on concrete (photo courtesy of Flickr-Daniel Lobo- under CC by 2.0)

My favorite pieces are 2, 3, 4, and 6. Which Afro art stencil piece(s) do you like the best?

                            1BlessedNatural Spotlight Presents Artist, Serge K. Akwei
                            After They've Touched Your Hair: The Discussion                         
                            Natural Hair, Album Art, and World Events (Part 1): Erykah Badu's "Soldier"
