1BlessedNatural Spotlight: Danielle R.

1BlessedNatural Spotlight: Danielle R.

Big Chop date: December 2013

1. What made you decide to go natural?
Simplicity. Life is complicated enough

2. What were your friends and loved ones' reaction to your decision?
 My friends and loved ones said it's about time! I was natural in college and some of law school. One of my friends said that relaxed hair was like a costume. It was not the real me.

3. What is your current regimen/favorite products?
I'm a wild fro kind of girl. I love any sulfate free shampoo I can find at Home Goods, henna made with coconut milk instead of water, and Oyin Berries and Juice.

Danielle R. after her big chop

4. What is the most important thing you learned about going natural?
There is nothing more beautiful and sexy than being the you that YOU were meant to be. Get to know yourself and be that.

5. What advice do you have for someone who is thinking about going natural?
Go natural in whatever way makes your transition comfortable. Whether you decide to "big chop" or use braids or weave to transition, you need to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself. Or you'll feel the need to run and hide or go back to the familiar.

 Go Danielle!  

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