Happy Labor day, my blessed naturals!
My natural hair has been in desperate need of a protein treatment. Because, I ran out of my favorite protein conditioner, "Hair Mayonnaise" by Organic Root Stimulator, I decided to make my own protein conditioner. The formula was good, but it was too runny. I think I will only use 1 egg, instead of 2, and use 1 cup of Mayonnaise, instead of 1/2 cup. If you use the recipe below, you may have to apply it to your hair and squeeze some of the excess conditioner out to prevent it from running down your face.
Items Used:
(2) Tablespoons of honey
(1/2) cup of Mayonnaise
(1) conditioning cap
(1) bottle of moisturizing conditioner (optional)
1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and beat until smooth and creamy. (If the conditioner is too runny, you can add more mayonnaise until you've reached your desired consistency).
2. Part your freshly washed hair into 4 sections, and apply the conditioner to each section.
3. Put on a conditioner cap for 15-20 minutes. (Optional: Sit under a heating cap or put a warm towel on top of your cap)
4. Wash the protein conditioner out of your hair using warm water. Be careful not to make the water hot, because the eggs will partially cook in your hair (Yes. Gross!).
5. (Optional) Apply a moisturizing conditioner to your hair, and then wash it out. (I used Suave Naturals Green Apple Conditioner)
My hair was very soft after using my protein conditioner. My strands also seemed a little less finer than normal.
Have you tried making YOUR OWN protein conditioner?

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