Roller Set Without Any Heat

Happy Wednesday everyone,
The last time that I went natural, I relied heavily on heat for my styles. This time I've decided to not to use much heat. Last night, I washed, deep conditioned my hair, applied Green Tea & Shea Butter Moisturizer by Softsheen Carson, and Coconut Oil. I applied Motions Wrap Lotion to each small section and rolled my hair in rollers. ( I think I will try the flexi rods next time) over night. My total drying time was about 7 hours. In the morning, I unrolled my hair and separated my curls. I was very happy with my results...

When I first started rolling my hair, I didn't use the spray bottle or wrap lotion a lot. I think that section came out more wavy. So, next time, I will use both a little bit more.

But, my hair frizzed up thanks to the humidity. Nooooooo!!! By the end of the day, my hair ended up looking more like cotton balls than curls, lol. I put two decorative pins in the front. Tomorrow, I may just use the side combs or do a puff.


  1. I have been thinking about rolling my hair, too but that last thing I want to do is sit under the hair dryer. I've been thinking about how I would do it and what I would use. Aloe vera gel has been a wonderful natural "setting lotion" for me. I love that you tried this. And I especially loved that you kept it movin' when your hair went from curls to cotton balls. I hope you'll do it again.

    1. Thanks JW! Yes, I definitely plan on doing this again. I was shocked at the straightness of some of the sections. Aloe vera gel sounds interesting! I may have to try it as a setting lotion. I think I will try washing and rolling my hair in the morning on a day where I know I won't be leaving the house for awhile. I hate sitting under the dryer also! Air drying is my best friend lol.

  2. Curlformers ladies. I love them. They give you perfect curls without having to use heat. Your curls are lovely.

    1. I hear you Jen! I'll have to go sale hunting for them lol

  3. Hi 1Blessed Natural. I am trying a no heat roller set and wrap this weekend. Thanks for the tips

    1. Hi Princess Cow. You're welcome! Let me know how it goes...


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