Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I could not close out the year without giving you all an update on my "Back to Healthy Eating " Challenge. I have been doing really well with my challenge. I am amazed and thankful to God for my progress. I didn't have to go on a "diet"; I just changed my eating habits. It made a huge difference in the way I look and feel. However, the holidays can be a challenge for those of us who are trying to stay on the healthy eating track. I've had moments of indulging in sweets lol, but I have found a way to get back on track. I want to reiterate that I am not a doctor or dietician. I am just sharing my experiences and tips for eating healthy. Before trying anything, I would recommend that you speak to your doctor or healthcare professional.
Tips On Eating Out
During the holidays, we may go out to eat a little more than usual. The thing that helps me stay in the mindset of eating healthy is to start off with a salad. Many restaurants have good salads like Chicken Ceasar, Vegetable, and/ or Salads. For my main course, I usually eat something like Salmon and rice or I might eat a meat, side dish, and vegetables. Sometimes, I will have desert. If you are feeling guilty about having a desert, you may opt to share it with someone. The keyword for me is "moderation". Sometimes, I will take the desert to go and eat it the next day or a couple of days later.
After a Pass...
During the holidays, many of us may be tempted to eat a lot of sweets and meals. For Thanksgiving, I knew that I was going to be around a lot of food, so I gave myself a pass. For that day, I ate what I wanted. The week after Thanksgiving, I thought about my goals and got back on track to eating healthy. That is the key for me to stay on track. I think many of us may get off the track for awhile and then figure, "Oh well, I already messed up." We may get discouraged and give up the goals of eating healthy. The most important thing to remember is that you can always start over at any point. Also,I must add that prayer helps me (smile). I continually remind myself of Philippians 4:13 that says, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.'
Visualize Where It's Going...
Many of us may have seen commercials where a woman may say they can't eat a certain food because they visualize it going to their problem area or area where they gain weight the fastest. This helps me too, sometimes lol. If you are a person who gains weight in your thighs fast and it takes a great effort to get rid of it, you may want to imagine that the Christmas sugar cookie is going right to that area after you eat it, lol.This may be a deterrent for you.
Drink Water
Water is good if you're trying to eat healthy because it can help you feel full. I drink a lot of water. It may cut the desire of wanting to overeat. Water is good for your body because it flushes out toxins. It's very beneficial for your skin and hair. If you drink a lot of soda/ or juice, it may be a good challenge to replace those beverages with water. Take note of the difference in how you look or feel after doing so for about a week or more. If you are a person who does not like water, there are many water enhancers on the market like MiO that can make your water taste better. I suggest doing your research on the water enhancers before purchasing them.
In closing, the holidays can be a challenging time if you are trying to eat healthy. I have found that reminding yourself of your goals, eating healthy when eating out, and drinking water are tips that have helped me stay on track. One of the most important thing I can stress in the subject of eating healthy during the holidays is moderation. I give myself a pass at times, but quickly remind myself to get back on track. The technique of visualizing unhealthy foods going to your problem areas can help also. Most importantly, pray that God helps you along your journey.
How are you doing on your "Back to Healthy Eating" Challenge?
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