16-Year-Old Girl's Response to Straight Outta Compton' Casting Call |
Many of you may have heard about the NWA: Straight Outta Compton movie casting call from last July. The criteria for the roles were sexist and racist among many things. It raised some eyebrows and blood pressures. When I read the casting call, I quickly dismissed it as plain nonsense. Yesterday, my 16-year-old niece, J.T. sent me a response that I couldn't have said better, myself. Here is her response:
Hello everyone! A few months ago I
heard about the casting requirements for the upcoming movie Straight Outta Compton, based on the
group NWA. When I read the casting call, I was absolutely shocked by the
criteria designed for the actors. Coming from a blended family, race never
really occurred to me and it was stressed that everyone, no matter the color, was
beautiful. Wanting a certain look for a character or group of characters is
expected, but the requirements related to each “rank” is absurd. The fact women
are sorted out by rank is disgusting in itself and where the entirety of the racism
debate lies.
First is the A rank. All races are
included here, so good job casting agents, but remember the “hottest of the
hottest” detail for later. Once at the B rank, things get messy. Girls in this
category “should” be light-skinned. Beyonce is used as an example for this
category. This suggests only light-skinned people can be “fine”. In my eyes,
everyone is beautiful. This may sound like a cliché, but for me, the
personality is what kills it for a person, not color. What one person finds
pleasing does not apply to everyone and using the age old stereotype that
lighter-skinned people are more beautiful is terrible. C girls are reserved for
African Americans, medium to light, with weaves. Apparently, to this agency, weaves
automatically lower your beauty. Finally, we reach the rank of D. This category
is exclusively restricted to medium to dark skinned women, suggesting these
skin tones cannot be beautiful once again.
Whoever wrote this casting call was clearly
trying to appeal to this warped perception of beauty far too many people still
rely on. Stereotypes should be a thing of the past by this point. Beauty
standards are already atrocious as it is and publications like this just make
it worse. Change starts within oneself. You may be thinking, “maybe they did
not intend the letter grades as ranks,” but if this were the case, why have
letter grades at all? Why can’t we lower the beauty standard to accommodate
everyone? Everyone I have shown the casting call to immediately looks
mortified. Blatant displays of racism should not be tolerated towards any race. -J.T.
J.T. is a student from N.J. In her spare time, she enjoys dancing, drawing, and making people laugh.
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