My Natural Hair Without Products

Copyright 2014 1BlessedNatural
1BlessedNatural: My Natural Hair Without Products

Happy Wednesday, my blessed naturals,
I wanted to show you my hair without any products. In the pictures, my hair is freshly washed, deep conditioned, and detangled. I do not believe in doing too much hair typing, but I will identify mine for those of you who think you may have similar hair types. My hair ranges from 4A to 4C (type 4), but it's mostly 4A. There is some questionable 3C type action close to the nape of my neck.   What? Yes,  I know... It's all over the place! LOL. This is why I do not bother much with hair typing. I like to learn what products and techniques that work for my hair and keep it moving!

1BlessedNatural: side/back view of my natural hair without products

1BlessedNatural: You can see the looser curl pattern at the bottom.

What does your natural hair look like without any products?

Related Articles: My Curl Type Profile
