Bigger Finger Coils in 3.5 Hours

1BlessedNatural: Finger coils in 3.5 Hours

Happy Wednesday, my blessed naturals!
Many of you know that it can take me anywhere from 3-8 hours to do finger coils, depending on the size. In the past, I finger parted my hair in small sections to keep it neat. This weekend, I parted my hair in bigger rows. I used EcoStyler Gel.
Altogether, it took me 3.5 hours to finish my hair. Some of them started to puff up at the roots, but I'm happy with my results! I did four rows on each side of my head, so next time, I will probably do four rows.

1BlessedNatural: side photo of my finger coils

1BlessedNatural: Here's my hair while doing the finger coils. I was amazed at how fast I was going by just parting and doing bigger sections.

1BlessedNatural: Flashback to 2011- This style took me like 4 hours, but my hair was shorter than it is now

Do you plan on protective styling this fall?

Related Articles: 1 Week Old Finger Coils
                            Fall Protective Styling Choice
                            Finger Coils Revisited
