I know it's been a long time since I've done a natural hair giveaway! So, it's time for one!
I am giving away several of my favorite natural hair products!
I am celebrating the many blessings that God has given me. This year, 1BlessedNatural Mag turned 8 years old! Can you believe it? Also, June 11th made 2 years since my second Big Chop.
I am also celebrating the launch of my (NEW) website called The Working Naturals. The Working Naturals is a place for underemployed, unemployed, and working naturals to go to find helpful information about jobs, careers, and more! I share my experiences in the work world too, so please be sure to subscribe!
Enough of my rambling! Here are the prizes that 1 "Blessed" winner will receive:
(1) container of the Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Cream
(1) bottle of Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream
(1) bottle of Aunt Jackie's "Knot On My Watch" Instant Detangling Therapy
(1) cardboard full of 36 Elastic Ponys (ponytail holders) I use to band my hair
(1) Modesa drawstring bonnet
(1) box of the Suave Almond + Shea Butter Shampoo and Conditioner (combo pack)
This means you get over $20.00 worth of products for FREE!
The giveaway begins today and ends on Friday, July 20th, 2018 at 12:00am. The winner will be announced on Sunday, July 22nd, 2018. On that day, be sure to check the homepage for the announcement. Also, please follow all giveaway rules to prevent your entries from being disqualified. You can enter the contest via the form below.
As always, I wish you all blessings!
1BlessedNatural Mag is not affiliated with any makers of the giveaway prizes.
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