Jamie Grace Talks on Instagram About Her Battle with Tourette Syndrome

Jamie Grace (photo cred: Instagram/Jamie Grace)

Contemporary Christian artist and songwriter Jamie Grace has been battling Tourette syndrome for the last 20 years. Grace, who is 28 years old, said in an Instagram post that the condition can be annoying sometimes but but has made her stronger. The Grammy-nominated singer shared her post in honor of Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month which started yesterday and continues until June 15th.

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that is characterized by uncontrollable movements or tics. Movements can include things like involuntarily yelling, blinking, or hand gestures. Grace said that having Tourette syndrome is normal to her. She said, " This might sound a bit crazy, (cause...me, lol) but Tourette syndrome kind of feels as 'normal' to me as having skin.

The "It's a Beautiful Day" singer admitted that she doesn't feel completely comfortable when out in public and dealing with the tics. She is only "fully" herself when she is at home. Grace's words address the stark reality of a person living with a disability and having to deal with ridicule.

She said,"It's a part of me that makes me feel confident, and I'm okay with people seeing some but if i were to expose it all, it would likely feel uncomfortable. and while i still love who i am, i may be subject to bullying and ridicule and judgement."

In addition to dealing with Tourette syndrome Grace is allergic to the sun. As a result,  her skin can become itchy and painful. She said, "Much like how my tics cause be physically painful or emotionally too much, and trigger my anxiety, ocd of hyperactivy and stretch my patience to the furthest end."

Jamie Grace ended her post stating that she has learned a lot about her condition over the past 20 years, and that her challenges have helped to shape her character. She also said her relationship with God has become stronger. She said, "My tics have become manageable on most days for the more prevalent ones, i have learned to be okay with the ups and downs. "

hey! for anyone new here, I’m Jamie Grace. And i have Tourette Syndrome. It’s a tic disorder and it’s neurological. So basically i make movements and sounds that i cannot control - tics. I’ve had it for 20 years and i was diagnosed at age 11. I’m 28 now and it’s just as much a part of me as anything else. It annoys me, sure, but it’s made me resilient, compassionate and strong. This might sound a bit crazy, (cause... me, lol) but having Tourette Syndrome kind of feels as “normal” to me as having skin. It’s a part of me that i feel comfortable in, but when I’m out in public i choose certain parts to cover up. People still see me, but only when I’m at home am i *fully* myself. It’s a part of me that makes me feel confident, and I’m okay with people seeing some but if i were to expose it all, i would likely feel uncomfortable. and while i would still love who i am, i may be subject to bullying and ridicule and judgment. There are days when my skin itches (I’m allergic to the sun, so fun haha) or seasons in life when it stretches and i feel like it’s bringing me more pain that joy. Much like how my tics cause be physically painful or emotionally too much, and trigger my anxiety, ocd or hyperactivity and stretch my patience to the furthest end. It’s tough, y’all. I’m not gonna lie. But i can say for *certain,* that over 20 years, I’ve learned so much. My character has been shaped by my challenges and my joy has been birthed out of pain. My relationship with God has strengthened through it all and the songs i write about peace and comfort are genuine calls to hope when depression is weighing me down. My tics have become manageable on most days and for the more prevalent ones, i have learned to be okay with the downs. Cause life. But overall, I’m okay. Many days, I’m great. Because where there is breath, there is hope. And i can assure you because of the vocal tics that serve as a reminder, i am surely breathing. Happy Tourette Syndrome Awareness month, everybody! And happy Friday!!! Thank you so much for following my journey. 🤎🤍🤎 #tourettesyndrome #tourettesyndromeawarenessmonth #Psalm121 #Psalms121 #tourette #anxiety
A post shared by Jamie Grace (@jamiegraceh) on

I applaud Jamie Grace for sharing her story about Tourette syndrome and mental health. She has always been very open about her struggles, including on interviews and YouTube. According to the Tourette Association of America, current research shows that 1 out of every 100 children in the United States suffers with Tourette syndrome or a similar disorder. Education about the disorder can be helpful against bullying.

Jamie Grace is married to Aaron Collins and they have a beautiful 11-month old daughter named Isabella Brave Harper Collins. Grace's song "Hold On" was nominated for a Grammy in 2011 for Best Contemporary Christian Music Song. In 2012, she won a Dove Award for the category of New Artist of the Year. In 2016, Adele invited Grace to sing onstage with her at the Staples Center.

Jamie, we are proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story! 💖

What do you think about Jamie's Grace's battle with Tourette syndrome?
