Even though, I've only had my mini twists in for a week, I decided to wash them. My intention was to do a mini-twist rod set, but I figured I'd show the wash 'n' go method for this blog. I used my Castile Soap mixture to cleanse my hair. I added about 1/4 cup of Coconut Oil to the mixture (by accident lol), but it worked.
First, I banded my hair in about 7 sections and prepooed using Castor Oil. Afterwards I rinsed my hair and applied the Castile Soap mixture though my parts and massaged my scalp. Then, I deep conditioned my hair (using my conditioning cap). After washing the conditioner out, I applied a leave in conditioner and Castor Oil to each section and ran my fingers through the twists and let the hair hang lose. I usually apply a moisturizer on top of the leave in conditioner, but I forgot that part this time lol (oops!). I really liked the shrinkage!
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