Preparing My Hair for Nightly Twists for Twist-Out

Happy Friday everyone,
Thank God that we made it through the week. It is only by Him that I made it through today!

In hair related news, I recently bought a 3-pack of travel size bottles from DEALS discount store. I think I paid a little over $1.00 for them. The package contained 1 small spray bottle and 2 push-cap tops. I've been doing twist outs daily, all week long and concentrating on keeping my ends moisturized.

Things Needed for My Nightly Twists

1. Cantu Coconut Curling Cream
2. Small spray bottle-with water-I love the small spray bottles because you can mist your hair instead of getting water all over everything
3. Small push-cap bottle with Coconut Oil
4. Bobby pins

Hair Preparation
(* special attention to the ends)

1. I finger part my hair into medium sized sections
2. Grab one section and spritz it with water a few times*
3. Finger detangle the section gently 
4. Apply an index finger full of the Cantu Coconut Curling Cream to the section*
5. Apply Coconut Oil to the whole section*
6. Two-strand twist the hair
7. Apply Cantu Coconut Curling Cream to the ends-This is something that I like to do to make sure my ends are moisturized.
8. Pin Curl the section.

My hair is very curly from doing daily twist-outs

What products and/accessories do you use for your twist-outs???
