Update: Day 2 and 3 Curlformers Hair | Bantu Knot-Out Tutorial

Happy Monday, my blessed naturals,
I hope you all are having a great start to your week. Yesterday was Day 2 of my Curlformers curls. They looked okay at the beginning of the day considering the fact that I did not sleep with a bonnet. I only slept on a satin pillow case. By the end of yesterday, my curls looked more like cotton balls.

Since my hair was still stretched, I decided to do a two-stand twist, Bantu knot-out. The only products I applied to my hair were oil and water. Since the Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion was still in my hair, the water reactivated it. I parted my hair in medium sections, applied water, oil (to my ends), two-strand twisted, and wrapped the hair around into a Bantu knot. The knots were kept in my hair overnight. I've included a YouTube video tutorial below.

In the morning, I applied coconut oil to my fingers, unraveled, and fluffed my hair. I used a wide-tooth comb to lift my roots and hide my parts. My hair was parted on the side and bobby pinned to hold the hair down on each side of the part. I loved the definition of my curls! I think I will be using both the Curlformers and Bantu knots as part of my weekly regimen because my hair tangles now, more than ever!

 1BlessedNatural: Vid#28 How to Do a Two-Strand Twist, Bantu Knot-Out... (video)


1BlessedNatural: Day 2 Curlformers curls on my natural hair

 1BlessedNatural: Two-strand twist the section before Bantu knotting it

1BlessedNatural: Two-strand twist Bantu knots

1BlessedNatural: The front of my two-strand twist, Bantu knot-out

1BlessedNatural: side view of two-strand twist, Bantu knot out

1BlessedNatural: the back of two-strand twist, Bantu knot-out

What natural hairstyle are you rocking this week?

Related Article: My Bantu Knot Out
                          My Curlformers Natural Hair Install, Results, and Tips
