Product Review of the Modesa Bonnet with Drawstring

1BlessedNatural: Product Review of the Modesa Bonnet with Drawstring
I like to keep a few bonnets around the house so that I can switch them up when they get dirty. This past weekend, I decided to try the Modesa Bonnet with Drawstring. Here's my review:

Product: Modesa Bonnet with Drawstring

Price: $2.00 and up

Places: Family Dollar

Claims:  -protects hair and prevents breakage 
              -one bonnet fits most

Initial Thoughts

When I first took the Modesa drawstring bonnet out of the package, I was pleasantly surprised. The material was a nice satin and thicker than I expected. I've used a few brands of bonnets, and some are thin and have small holes in the fabric that allow your hair to slip through. I'm glad that this one was different.
Because I've grown accustomed to the bonnets with the elastic and fabric around the edges, I kept thinking the Modesa bonnet was going to slide off my head.

The claims are true. You can adjust the bonnet to fit just about any size head. The drawstring is made of fabric.

After Sleeping with it on...

The Modesa drawstring bonnet stayed on my head the whole night. I was very pleased with it. It's great if you are looking for an alternative to the bonnets with the elastic in them since they can be hard on your edges. 

Grade: A-

Have you tried using this bonnet? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

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