How to Get a Fluffier and Fuller Twist-Out!

Copyright 2015 1BlessedNatural twist out
1BlessedNatural: Bantu-knot out done on dry hair

Happy Thursday, my blessed naturals!
If you are looking for a fluffier and fuller twist-out, you may want to try twisting on dry hair. My twist and Bantu knot outs come out better when I do them on dry re-twisted or braided dry hair, but I have to apply a water based moisturizer and oil before twisting. If I do not use a moisturizer, my twist-out comes out with less definition because it doesn't set. Wet twist-outs give me a lot of definition, but my hair is less fuller. As a result, I have to fluff it out a lot. 

Copyright 2015 1BlessedNatural twist-out
1BlessedNatural: twist-out done on braid-out hair (style)

Do you like your twist-outs better when they are done on wet hair, dry hair, or both? #naturalhairblog

                            Chunky Flat Twists and Twist-Out
                            My TWA Twist-Out
