Hi everyone,
I have been making some progress in my protein overload and Seborrheic Dermatitis plight. Thank God! Thank you all for all of your suggestions on combating both conditions. I am on week 2 of a dermatologist prescribed foam. The dermatologist also prescribed a shampoo and oil, but I wanted to try some natural remedies first. I found that some items that may have been good to treat Seborrheic Dermatitis were not good to use on my hair due to the protein overload and vice versa. Last week, I applied Castor Oil to my scalp (especially on the healing areas), and it lessened the itching. Because it is a thick oil, I usually use it as pre-poo. I tried using it on my hair as a sealant, but it was too greasy. It left my hair dry underneath the coating. Some articles that I have read stated that Castor Oil has protein in it. If this is true, then it is not good for my protein overload recovery, lol. My hair is a little drier than it was previously, SMH. I will stick to my Olive and Lavender Oil mix and Tea Tree Oil for now until I get the oil the dermatologist prescribed..
As far as shampoo goes, I was going to try another shampoo other than my Castile Soap mixture before trying the prescription one. I bought Selsun Blue's Moisturizing Aloe Shampoo awhile ago, but I couldn't use it because it contains protein. I will let you all know how the prescription shampoo works.
Despite my difficulties, my hair still appears to be growing. Thank God for that! lol. I still have some breakage, but it's decreasing. Hair struggles... lol. I love my natural hair though! (smile) One of the most important things about going and being natural is that you will learn a lot along your journey. More often than not, it is not a linear experience where everything goes well. You learn through research and trial and error. In many ways, that is the beauty of it all.
What is one of your natural hair struggles?
Related Article: Update on Seborrheic Dermatitis: Generic Brand for Derma-Smoothe/FS
My Regimen to Reverse Protein Overload
Seborrheic Dermatitis and Natural Hair
Recovering from Protein Overload (Part 3)
Recovering from Protein Overload (Part 2)
My Experience Recovering from Protein Overload
Review of Dr. Organics Castile Soap on Natural Hair

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