Cyber Monday Deal At My Shop :Ruthie's Greetings ! November 28, 2011 cyber monday greeting cards handmade +
Natural Hair Style:Fro with Two Strand Twist Bang November 20, 2011 fro hawk. side combs two strand twist updo +
Protective Styling: Hats,Scarves, and Flat Twists November 18, 2011 flat twists hats protective style +
Natural Hair: Using Dandruff Shampoos November 13, 2011 1 year natural hair dandruff deep conditioner sulfate shampp +
8 Months Natural: Two Strand Twist Bantu Knot Out November 03, 2011 8 months bantu knot out co-washing natural hair two strand twist +
My 2nd Attempt At Flat Twisting: Bun November 01, 2011 5 months bun flat twists protective style transition styles transitioning +